Sun, Apr 02

Time & Location
Apr 02, 2023, 11:00 AM EDT – Jun 04, 2023, 1:00 PM EDT
About the Event
I am excited to announce that I will be offering a New Online SPRING Breathwork Series.
This new online series is called 6 Expansions to Universal Consciousness - to Ascend, Expand and Connect.
This 6 online sessions series will be about allowing a shift of perception, based on presence and trauma informed breathwork.
- If you are unable to breathe deeply due to anxiety and chronic stress
- If you are struggling with much rigidity in your mind and body
- If you feel a lack of vitality and sense of joy and aliveness
- If you are feeling isolated and struggling to connect with other people and with life
- If you feel stuck in your hectic and discursive mind, unable to relax and Be in the present moment
- If you are struggling to find sense in the current world we are living in
- If you are tired of fixing yourself and being on the healing path
- If you are already on a spiritual or healing path or you want to discover the power of the Breath and Presence as catalysers for a shift of perception in a natural way
It will allow you to:
- develop a daily breathing practice and reset your nervous system with different simple but powerful breathing and kundalini techniques
- rise your energy and refresh your body after wintertime
- expand your body and perception to be able to see the beauty of Life and to receive the richness of the present moment
- develop self-love and your felt sense of connection
- discover and feel how your own being intertwines with the collective in an embodied way, in each of your cells - for your own peace as well as for the rising of a collective vibration
- access Universal consciousness and a sense of wholeness and connection with others and with Life
- discover another dimension of who you are, to feel empowered and more freedom in your daily life, thanks to the power of the Breath and Presence, which can induce a potent paradigm shift of perception.
This new series is different from the previous ones as it will focus on the Universal component of Presence and the Breath.
Why deal with the Universal component of the Breath?
- By diving into our Body with the Breath and Presence, we can access the collective and universal consciousness leading to a shift of perception for a sense of wholeness and connection. Then, we can live our life knowing and feeling that we are part of the whole and not separated and isolated.
By accessing this expanded perception, our reality appears from a radically different angle:
- We can feel a direct connection with other people and feel less isolated
- Our environment appears more vibrant, brighter with sparkling colours
- Our mind is expanded for an understanding beyond our limited concepts giving us access to a sense of wholeness and a direct connection with Life and to what is beyond words
When we are doing inner work for Freedom or healing, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves. We can be harsh and judge ourselves with self-blame, self-criticism and be too focused on fixing ourselves.
When we breathe in Presence, taking into account that we are part of the collective, we can see that what we consider as our ‘flaws’ is beyond the little individual and get out of this constriction of our mind for more expansion. It is easier to take a deeper breath! We can see that our conditionings are part of the collective web. This naturally generates more self-love for who we are. Our group will be the container supporting each other.
PRICE - $190
- Different breathing and kundalini techniques to refresh your body, which you will be able to practice between our sessions. We will use our Mighty Network to motivate and support each other to breathe every day, even for a short amount of time. This is also one of the powers of breathing in community.
- 6 breathing journeys to continue the release of our tensions, to nurture our embodied presence for more expansion and to shift our perception by focusing on Ascension, Expansion and Connection.
I will offer you an $30 discount if you are bringing a new breather to this new series.
The price for the new breather will be the full price of $190.
Please contact me if you are bringing a new breather and we will see together what is the best way to proceed for the transaction.
If you desire to sponsor other people who can not afford to join us, you can contribute for an extra of $50 or more.
You can pay me on my Paypal account breathworkfreedom@gmail.com IN USD or EURO (according to your own currency) as Friends and Family to avoid extra fees.
Sundays at 11am NY - 4pm UK - 5pm Paris - 8:30pm India
April 2, 16, 30
May 14 and 28
June 11
- Each session will last 2 hours
- If you cannot attend live, video replays will be accessible.
Replays of the breathwork journeys will be available for about one/two month(s) after the end of the series to let you the time to catch up if you could not attend a session.
Breathing techniques will be available for life to allow you to integrate them in your daily life.
- You will be able to share, to grow and to breathe daily on a private community platform with the other participants of the Program
Your breath of Life, Presence, trauma release exercises, breathing and embodiment techniques, unwinding movement, bodywork around the different belts of tension, meditation, felt sense and somatic awareness, sound, and more.
This program offers a gradual and trauma informed approach.
Presence Oriented Series
Here we will be working directly from our presenceand the body, bypassing the mind, not going into the story. Being in our body, our presence, our breath, we are in the present moment directly in connection with life. This allows us to simply be with what is appearing, to breathe space within it to allow healing and nervous system regulation. This is what I call healing in presence in the life current within us.
I will be very happy to support you and to BE with you during this journey to Universal consciousness.
And if you have any questions, please contact me at bindupothalil@gmail.com
If you want to experience my work, check my blog where you can find some videos or my private plateform:
“I really appreciate Bindu’s Conscious approach to Breathwork and her ability to gently guide us and hold space during the sessions. I’ve experienced a lot of positive shifts and noticeable improvements since we began this Breathwork journey . One of the most important things for me is to feel safe again in my body after a very stressful, difficult year in 2022. There is also an important paradigm shift in my perception, which is that I’m able to just simply receive and allow life as I receive each breath instead of taking or efforting to breathe. There is a more effortless flow to my day and to my life.
I’m very grateful to have the support of Bindu and the community she has created.”
Vanessa, USA
'I am a retiree and have been on a quest for spiritual freedom for a long time. I have tried many spiritual teachings and had a breakthrough after I attended Sal's intensive. The breakthrough was a shift in knowingness.
The other breakthrough was attending Bindu's breathwork. From Bindu's session, I could let go of some of my past traumas and could better practise living life in spiritual freedom. The big transformation for me was not to seek spiritual freedom and just be in spiritual freedom.
Breathwork has helped me to be and live in spiritual freedom. There is a tendency to shift into mind during everyday living and the breathwork exercises helped me maintain beingness and Presence. The guided breathwork sessions with Bindu helped me to stay in presence. I tend to fall asleep when I do it on my own. Opening the inner bodies and connecting with the creative life force has brought wondrous insights about my beingness, love and life. Miracles occur on a regular basis.'
Sam Singapore
And Here are 2 videos testimonials which can also be found on my Blog page
BREATHWORK FREEDOM - The Quintessence of Eastern Wisdom for Western Mind
The breath is the simplest yet most profound way to access the essence of the Eastern wisdom for more peace and freedom in your daily life, acting both on your mind and your body.
I am Bindu, born in Europe with Indian ancestors. I worked in the Big Cities such as NY, London and Paris in the investment banking world.
I spent more than 15 years between the modern Western world working and in meditation retreats in holy places in India.
For 4 years, I have been living in South India in a sacred place at the foot of the Holy mountain, Arunachala, which attracts many Western spiritual seekers and millions of Indian pilgrims, walking around the mountain at each full moon.
For 20 years, I was on a serious and intense spiritual path in many traditions, Buddhism, Advaita and other Eastern spiritualities.
I realized that the breath is the simplest yet most profound way to access the essence of the Eastern wisdom for more peace and freedom in your daily life, acting both on your mind and your body.
This is what I offer in my breathwork sessions. I share the quintessence of all my spiritual practices, enabling a sense of freedom in an embodied and living way.
My breathwork sessions are the fruition of the different techniques I practiced for many years, reflecting the essence of my spiritual path in a modern way, accessible to everyone and to the Western mind.
Due to my intercultural background, between the West and the East, I am able to bring the essence of the spiritual Eastern traditions in a very simple way, through the breath and presence, accessible to everybody.
My breathers are located all around the Western world. They are corporate workers, healers, coaches, spiritual seekers and also people with no spiritual background seeking for reconnection to who they are and to life and aspiring for a sense of Freedom in the current hectic world.
My sessions allow them to experience and to forge an embodied sense of freedom, both in their body and in their mind, to feel empowered to live their life as they want.
At the body level, they can have access to safety and body opening with the release of deep tensions and traumas and reconnecting with vitality and aliveness.Thanks to the breath, they are able to access the subtle aspect of their body and feel the life flow at a cellular level.
“Opening the inner bodies and connecting with the creative life force has brought wondrous insights about my beingness, love and life. Miracles occur on a regular basis.”
Sam, Singapore
At the mind level, they are able to leave their hectic mind for a sense of calmness and happiness. Breathing allows them to feel reconnected with the depth of the present moment and to find the meaning of life in its richness and fullness.
While breathing, many of them also experience a lasting shift of perception, similar to a plant journey.
These shifts have deep impacts on their life as it opens the door to self-love and acceptance of their humanity. The shifts also allow them to a reconnect to their Essence and their expanded state of being.
This naturally results in a felt sense of wholeness with life, as well as a feeling of being less isolated. From this new space of being, they are able to connect to other human beings in a more harmonious way and to feel how the collective is intertwined in their cells.
“Each session brought its miracle and led me step by step to opening back to life and feeling more aliveness and also the feeling of being blessed to be me and alive. Bindu’s breathwork is supporting me in my daily life, my work and daily challenges. It allows me to experience all kinds of feelings while being more and more grounded. Life is expressing through me and I don’t try to escape from it anymore. For the first time of my life, I can say I love myself.”
Judith, Belgium
Finally, during my sessions, I am bringing the quintessence of my path through the breath supported by the vibration of one of the most sacred places of India. My breathers can feel that they are directly connected with the sacred vibration of India being transmitted through my breathwork sessions.
If you wish to go deeper in your breath, in your body, in your presence, in your essence for a real sense of Freedom, join my next Breathwork Freedom series. You will be part of a beautiful community of breathers from all over the world. They all come to take a breath of fresh air all together to reconnect to their Essence and their expanded state of being beyond their busy mind for a life lived with a deeper sense of freedom, which is very important seeing the current hectic conditions we are living in in most places of the world.