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6 Portals Breathwork Program to Unleash Freedom and Awaken your Body!

dim. 05 juin



This is an Embodied Awakening online Program (6-sessions) for Freedom of Your Body and Mind!

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6 Portals Breathwork Program to Unleash Freedom and Awaken your Body!
6 Portals Breathwork Program to Unleash Freedom and Awaken your Body!

Time & Location

05 juin 2022, 11:00 – 24 juil. 2022, 13:00


About the Event

I am offering an Embodied Awakening Program centered around Breathwork and Freedom, inspired by my Western and Eastern inquiries. Being myself a European with Indian roots, I have spent my life between the West and East worlds. This program is based on my spiritual practices and insights of the last 20 years in Buddhism, Hindu Advaita, meditation, breathwork, trauma release, Kundalini yoga and other modalities, such as somatic awareness, unwinding movement and bodywork.

Mental tensions and physical contractions create the illusion of separation, while our deepest aspiration as human beings, is to feel fully alive with our humanity, reconnected with the life current.

This is what I realized after a long spiritual path in different traditions, offering teachings and practices aimed at knowing our expanded consciousness that is beyond our constricted and limited mind, which is at the roots of our suffering. Reconnected with our essence, the life current within us, we see that there is no separation between us and life. We see that we are already whole and complete, that we are the Self, Being, Knowing which includes everything.

Having neglected and even considered my body as an obstacle for my spiritual enlightenment, I see now that my body and all of my humanity are a fantastic entry door to get to know who I am and to see that life current is also within me, behind and in each movement, sensation, emotion, thought. 

Embracing my humanity allows the union between the conditioned human being I am, with my body and all my programming, my history, my wounds and the unconditioned, which is life, being, knowing.

Why deal with the body to be free?

Our body is the entry to the now, to life, while our mind is always a step behind. The mind is only the commentator of what happens.

Body is also part of our human incarnation and is the material manifestation of our mind.

Body contractions creates the illusion of separation. Behind our chronic tensions, there is something undigested by our nervous system which has been stored in our subconscious mind.

These subconscious materials have been put into the attic of our mind in order to not feel, to not be overwhelmed and to be able to live our life. This natural response of our nervous system was very beneficial at some times of our life, but after a while they became a burden as they limit our perception of ourselves and who we are, already free.

Healing in Presence

In this program, we will release these tensions and regulate our nervous system through our breath, our presence and other embodied techniques allowing us to bypass the mind and not to go into our story and to be in the present moment directly in connection with life. This is what I call healing in presence in the life current within us.

Approach and Tools

During this program, I will support you with different approaches and tools: breath, presence, meditation, bodywork around the 7 belts of tension, sound, unwinding movement, trauma release and embodiment practices.

The breath has been one of the oldest and simplest tools at the basis of many spiritual techniques. The breath is the bridge between our expanded consciousness and our body.

The breath is also a powerful tool to regulate our nervous system and to release subconscious tensions and repressed materials which are determining the way we respond to the world.

Our subconscious material limits us in our interactions. Indeed, we are still under the influence of events of the past, such as old trauma, in our current life. We are not conscious of some conditionings and still they are determining the way we relate and act in the world. Instead of living from a fresh place, from the now, we are living from the past. When you see some of the behaviors you don’t wish to have, or some situations you don’t want to be in, it means that something has been stored in your subconscious making you act in a way different than what you might wish to.

I will support you in opening your body with the breath and other modalities based on the body segmentation developed by Wilhelm Reich, which divides the body in 7 areas, called the belts of tension, from the head to the feet and also corresponding to our different energy centers, the chakras.

Trauma Informed Program

As we may have some insecurities and even old trauma, many of us are disconnected from our being, disembodied, and have taken refuge in our mind, out of fear, out of the need to control in order not to be overwhelmed and to feel safe.

This program offers a gradual and trauma informed approach allowing a reconnection with our body in a safe way.

Working from Presence

Here we will be working directly from our presenceand the body, bypassing the mind, not going into the story. Being in our body, our presence, our breath, we are in the present moment directly in connection with life. This allows us to simply be with what is appearing, to breathe space within it to allow healing and nervous system regulation.

Program Format

This program includes 6 sessions of around 1.5 to 2 hours each, during which we will open the different areas of our body.

- Each session will include opening exercises, an introduction, a breathwork, a sharing and time for Q&A.

- Every session will be recorded. Replay will be available after the session.

- You can attend the sessions either live or in Replay.

- I will be available between each session for private follow up.

- You will be able to share, to grow and to develop new breathing habits on a private community platform with the other participants of the Program.

Program Curriculum

Session 1 - Arriving in our body with the Breath

During the first session, we will explore our body with our breath and our presence and discover our inner landscape in a safe and grounded way.

Most of us have lost the connection to the body due to the modern culture only relying to the mind and our left brain and life events. We will see how that has happened and re-establish a connection with our body.

Session 2 - Receiving Life in This Moment

During this session, we will focus on our eyes and work with our fears, which have created tensions.

Most of the time our eyes are reaching out and grasping the objects instead of receiving the world. We will open our eyes to be able to freshly receive life and be in the present moment.

Session 3 - Prior to Words

This session will be an invitation to reconnect with our primal being, who we are prior to words and concepts.

We will work around our mouth and cervical areas to welcome what has been censored by our education and society and free our expression.

Session 4 - Opening the Heart

The heart is the embodied place of connection with our authentic self and the world. This is where we often experience separation. During this session we see how this has happened and we will open our hearts to loving awareness. With an open heart, self-love, intimacy and empathy grow naturally.

Session 5 - The Power of Being

During this session, we will open our respiratory muscle, the diaphragm and our abdominal area.

This is an invitation to be present with our deepest fears, oldest traumas, beliefs and emotions and see that they are, in fact, the portals to life current within us and to freedom in body and mind.

Session 6 - Embracing the Life Current Within Us

During this session, we will explore the pelvic belt. This is the place where we can fully embrace our human incarnation and the source of the life current within us.

We will merge with the spontaneous movement of life and see that we are nothing and everything, emptiness and form, the dance between consciousness and creation.


There are some contraindications for breathwork for acute health issues, like cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, bipolar, epilepsy, pregnancy (less than 3 months), glaucoma/detached retina, diagnosed brain or abdomen aneurism, recent abdominal surgery, uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid conditions. If you are suffering from acute health conditions in these areas, please consult a doctor if you feel the need to.

If you are suffering any of those conditions and/or are under heavy medication, there is always the possibility of breathing in a gentler way.

Dates and Price

This program will start in June and will be held on Zoom on the following Sundays at 8am PT - 11am NY - 4pm UK - 5pm Paris:

June 5, June 12, June 26, July 10, July 17, July 24.

Price: $180

Payment details: Paypal @ as Friends and Family

Contact details

If you have any questions, please contact me at or through the website

For more information, you can also have look to my website

I also recently joined Mighty Network where I will post some tips

And my Instagram is

Let’s Breathe and BE Free!

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