Remember ...
You don't have to Suffer your Life.
You don't have to live in constant stress, feeling trapped in the tensions of your body, being overwhelmed by your hectic mind and life.
I am coming to you with simple & powerful tools allowing the rewiring of your body mind & your nervous system to feel safe in your body, release your physical tensions & trauma, clear your subconscious mind, limiting beliefs & destructive behavioural patterns, heal your human wounds & griefs, access deep states of relaxation and expand your consciousness to a vaster realm of possibilities & freedom and a richer and empowered experience of life, for a new way of Being and Living.
I have been sharing these techniques as part of my system The Embodied Consciousness Path rooted in my 25 years of Eastern and Western mind & somatic modalities with women and men of all ages who are either beginners on their healing journey or advanced spiritual seekers, healers and coaches.

The Sanctified Body is a container to
Reconnected to the original Life vibration through the portal of our Body, we can elevate our frequency creating a rippling effect on the collective for the complete fulfilment of our human life and for humanity.

I'm Bindu
I am a Consciousness mentor and I guide women and men back to their body for the expansion of their consciousness and Life. I developed my own system - The Embodied Consciousness Path, structured in 5 modules, based on 25 years of body mind awakening practices, coming from both Eastern and Western modalities, inducing a shift of consciousness through the release of tensions and trauma stored in the body and the clearing of the subconscious mind from conditioning and limiting beliefs for a nervous system regulation and a body mind rewiring allowing a deep holistic healing, and expansion of the breath, body and mind.
If you wish to reclaim your Life in its fullness, I invite you to awaken your body with me through my online series', workshops, 1 on 1 sessions and mentoring.

The Embodied Consciousness Path
Blends Eastern & Western modalities :
Buddhist Meditation, Breathwork, Somatic Healing, Trauma Release, Nervous System Regulation, Somatic Meditations & Consciousness Expansion practices from Tantric & Non Dual lineages in Buddhism, Hinduism & Kashmiri Shivaism, W. Reich’s character structures, Biodynamic movement, Toning, Bodywork, Earth Wisdom, Yoga Nidra, Bardo practices, Taoism, Subtle Body & Kundalini Awakening practices, Depth Psychology & Individuation Process, Bardo teachings & practices, Feminine Teachings & practices, Womb Healing & Wisdom, Mythology, Dream Work.

"Your extraordinary programme has delivered everything I wanted and so much more. I have learned to breathe deeply into my belly, which is a first for me, having been a very shallow breather for most of my life. As a result of accessing this ability, there are new levels of calm and peace available to me on a daily basis. My ego is relaxing into the fluid no-thingness more and more. I am calmer, more and more present and available for life to flow through me. I am compelled and fascinated by how you weave your unique knowledge and experience of the different spiritual, psychological and physiological methodologies. What brings it all together is your deep connection to truth which provides a context that resonates so deeply within me. I trust you and am therefore able to drop into my own experience, exquisitely joyful or painful, without editing. This means I go deep and fast." Elizabeth, Somatic & Shadow Work - UK